Escape from Studio Lockdown

Dear Friends,

Perhaps you've had a nice lunch and are now back in your studio revved up to create a masterpiece. You've got your tools laid out, a chunk of time to yourself and lots of great ideas to explore, and then it hits - despair. How do you tell if your artwork is good or bad? Indeed, are you good enough to even call yourself an artist?

Everyone experiences these feelings and they are made worse by constant news or press about the successes of others. In the past, I might have tried to tough it out by chaining myself to my easel. But now I know it might not be such a bad idea to have my girlfriend go out with me for sushi.

One important thing I try to do is to occasionally return to a place where I felt happy, safe, and inspired to work. The following video interview took place on a recent visit to my original fount of inspiration, San Francisco.

Yours very truly,
Hilary Harkness

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