Welcome to the New York Academy of Art’s Blog. The mission of this blog is to provide a free, open and interactive platform to create and stimulate artistic dialogue. Join in!
Please contact the Administrator if you would like to become a contributor. The opinions expressed in the blogs by the various contributors are not necessarily those of the New York Academy of Art. See below for details, and let us know what you’d like to blog about!
Students at the Academy give an insider’s viewpoint about their expectations and experiences.
Graduates of the Academy blog about their experiences in the program and beyond.
Academy Faculty discuss their work and how being an instructor at the Academy has influenced their artistic outlook.
Lots of exciting things happen at the Academy. Check back often for the latest news and reviews!
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- Comments are moderated. The Academy reserves the right to edit or remove any post for any reason.
- All comments are solely the opinions of the individuals submitting them, and the publication of them on this blog does not imply our endorsement or agreement.
- Comments may offer constructive criticism, but they should be polite and well argued. Personal attacks, foul language and generally harmful comments about the authors or other commentators will not be posted.
- Please don’t spam; please keep comments relevant to subject.
The New York Academy of Art is a graduate school that combines intensive technical training in the fine arts with active critical discourse. We believe that rigorously trained artists are best able to realize their artistic vision. Therefore, Academy students are taught traditional methods and techniques and encouraged to use these skills to make vital contemporary art. As such, the Academy serves as a creative and intellectual center for all artists dedicated to highly skilled, conceptually aware figurative and representational art.